Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How to find out if a number can be divided by 3

Many of you may wonder if a large number is given, how do you know whether it can be divided by 3. The technique is pretty simple , however, if there is no one to guide you , you would probably not aware of this technique .

Firstly, let's take a look at number 24. We all know that 24 can be divided by 3 easily as 24 is in the multiplication table. 3 X8 = 24.

If a larger number , say, 87 is given , are you able to tell if 87 can be dvided by 3 ? Yes, some of you may say it is easily done by mental caluculations.
Yes, 87 can be divided by 3 . 3X 29 = 87

Alrght, how about this number 38765865 ? Can anyone tell me if this number can be divided by 3 without going through the traditional method that thought in he prmary school ?

Well, the trick is , let's look at 24. If we add up the digit 2 and 4 , it gives you 6. And 6 is divisible by 3 , therefore, 24 can be divided by 3.

Let's look at 87 again . The sum of 8 and 7 gives you 15, some of you may know that 15 can be dividd by 3 and therefore 87 can be dividd y 3. For the sake of explaination, let me go through this. the sum of 1 and 5 gives you 6 which is divisible by 3. Therefore, 87 can be divided by 3.

Same rule applies to 38765865 , the sum of the all the dgits gives you 48, furher adition of 4 and 8 gives you 12. we add 1 and 2 again and gives you 3.
Therefore, 38765865 can be divided by 3.

By author Woei Wu

Friday, November 24, 2006

How to score a better marks during examination

How to score a good mark on the Mathematics Examination

1) Pay attention to classes

2) Pick up the important points or memorise important formula

you could do that by taking down notes and important steps to resolve

a problem.

3) Practise after each lesson

4) Revision
Even more important is the other 80% of the marks on the Mathematics exam papers. It is essential that the students have revised enough of the syllabus in order to get enough marks on the exam. When students are revising all their subjects, it is important to choose revision materials that will enable fast and efficient revision for each subject’s exam.

Numerology is simply referred to as the traditional beliefs and systems
that are mystical in nature. Numerology assists us to establish a
relationship between various physical objects and the numbers.
In the past, numerology was considered as a part of mathematics, but
now it is not.

Since ages, numerology has been playing an important role everywhere
in our lives. The same holds true with our names. The names given to us
by our parents plays an important role in the field of numerology.
These names are not purely a way to address or differentiate us from the
other people around us, but to a great extent, are a deciding factor of our
personality and our future developments.

Any name, be it a word or a title has a particular kind of vibration attached
to it. The reason being that every alphabet in our name has a certain number
associated with it. These numbers in turn carry some particular vibrations
with them. Thus adding on all the numbers that are associated with the
alphabets of our names, gives various vibrating modules, which in turn are
added up to give a final vibration pattern.

For instance the name Tina has four distinct alphabets. Each of these
alphabets are associated with some number. Read T as one, I as seven,
N as five and A as nine. Now by adding all these numbers we get a total
of 22. So there must be some particular wavelength of vibration that is
being attached to this number 22. Therefore this 22 number and the
vibrations associated with it is the deciding factor of the over all personality
of Tina.

Parents while keeping a name for their new born child, ponder on all the
options available to them. They consult their relatives and also the
learned-men. And once name gets decided, the child is addressed by it.
As the vibrations of the names starts to reach the ears of the child very
frequently, he tries to encode the meanings behind the vibrations and
accordingly tries to understand the environment around him.

Every vibration has some particular behavioral trends and patterns associated
with it. And once your name has been decided, these vibrations start having
an effect on you and guide you towards a particular path. Therefore
name numerology considerably helps us to know a person's personality and
development in the future. These future developments can be things like their studies, their health, their carrier growth and their life in general.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

How to raise interest of your kids to Mathematics

Many kids are shun away from difficulty of Mathematics.
I myself is a real life example when I was in primary school.
The best way is raise interest of your kids are , to make it in a simple way.

a) Increase the confidence of your kid
How ?
You could teach your kids with quick maths -- I will put more techniques on quick Maths on a link site
Once your kids have an edge over his/her peers, with faster speed in solving problems, he/she will gain more confidence .

b) Start off with a simple problems and slowly guide him/her to a more challenging questions..

Monday, November 20, 2006

Example in modeling

Ming and John have 225 stamps altogther. Ming has 29 more stamps than John. How many stamps does Ming have ?

Answer :

Ming ___________________
* * *
<-------1 unit---><-29->

John ______________
* *

2 units = 225-29 = 196
1 unit = 98
1 unit + 29= 98 + 29 = 127

Example of modeling

Question :
A CD player costs 5 times as much as a pen. If the CD player costs $144 more than the pen, what is the cost of the CD player

CD player __________________
* * * * *
<--------$144 ---------->

Pen _____
* *

4 units = $144
1 unit = $144 /4 = $36
5 units = 5 X $36 = $180

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Model As a Tools

Many primary students find that the concept of modelling to solve
problem are difficult. However, if you understand the
fundamental of the technique, you could easily apply
the modelling technique to resolve problems.
The basics steps are
1) Model
2) Number Sentence
3) Statement

Example (1):
A, B and C love collecting stamps.
A has collected 20 stamps fewer than B but 14 stamps
more than C. If B has collected 54 stamps , how many stamps has C collected ?

A ______________________
B ________________________________
C ________________